Assistenza da Serie A: Interservice sull’ultimo numero di Uomini e Trasporti
Intervista a Eduardo Maurelli, Fabio Marino e Marco Campari L’ultimo numero di Uomini e Trasporti accoglie fra le sue pagine
Multi-brand workshop for industrial and commercial vehicles, trailers and cars with 24-hour service.
Interservice S.p.A. is a multi-brand workshop and spare parts sales with an official mandate from Mercedes-Benz, MAN, DAF, Isuzu, OMNIplus, Hübner, Ford, Otokar, Solaris, Neoplan e Karsancon with three operating offices in Trento (TN), Correggio (RE) and Trecate (NO).
Intervista a Eduardo Maurelli, Fabio Marino e Marco Campari L’ultimo numero di Uomini e Trasporti accoglie fra le sue pagine
Sistemi intelligenti ed efficienti a bordo: scopri la nostra offerta valida fino a fine 2024. Preparati ad affrontare l’inverno con
Massima efficienza, massimo comfort: scopri la nostra offerta valida fino a fine 2024. Siamo entusiasti di presentare la nuova promo
We are equipped with cutting-edge technology and latest generation instrumentation, specialized personnel and certified know-how, we are one of the few national realities able to offer a complete service for commercial and industrial vehicles, trailers and cars. We are part of the Maurelli group, leader for over thirty years in the Truck & Trailer sector.
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+39 0461 383 333
Lunedì – Venerdì 8:00 – 18:00
Call the number 3291085657 or send a voice message to the same number on the WhatsApp channel made available by the Company, to which only the Transparency Manager is authorized to respond, to be contacted on the following days/times: Tuesday and Thursday from h. 9.30 to 13.30.
Or you can contact the number 3482341107 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from h. 14.00 to 18.00.
A direct meeting with the Transparency Manager is also foreseen, by appointment to be agreed via the telephone number referred to in point 2).
Interservice SpA – VAT number 01933430223 – [email protected] – REA number TN-188387 – Share capital: €4,632,704.00